June 2016

June: Your Questions, Answered

Hello, Nekos! It’s time for another semi-monthly guild newsletter. May has seen a lot of growth, including continued climbs in gear score, numerous new members, and regular participation in Luscas/Abyssal Attack and Mistmerrow. We’ve also been through another (short-lived) war, and enjoyed numerous top-tier boss kills with our allies. Many of our members have been… Read more June: Your Questions, Answered

PvP Lessons (Part 1)

Mass PvP in ArcheAge is relatively simple in theory but requires practice to implement well. For maximum effectiveness, a certain raid composition is needed, as well as the ability to move together as one and weave abilities around one another. The most important thing to remember in any PvP engagement is: Follow the heart. Stick with… Read more PvP Lessons (Part 1)